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February 12, 2020: Darwin’s Drink: Galápagos Research Station

The Future Leadership Institute organizes every year a DARWIN’S DRINK to celebrate the life of Charles Darwin.

Date: 12 February 2020

This year (2020) we invited people all over the world to join our drink.

Galápagos Research Station

From the Galápagos Research Station we received the below pictures and message:



We had several activities for Darwin Day. I am attaching some photos related to a talk, a quiz and a birthday cake that we had in Galápagos at our Research Station.


Isabel Grijalva

Oficial de Comunicación/Communications Officer
Fundación Charles Darwin/Charles Darwin Foundation
Puerto Ayora, Islas Galápagos, Ecuador
Tel. +593 5 2 526 146

La misión de la Fundación Charles Darwin y su Estación Científica es proveer conocimiento y apoyo por medio de la investigación científica y acciones complementarias para asegurar la conservación del ambiente y la biodiversidad del Archipiélago de Galápagos.

The mission of the Charles Darwin Foundation and its Research Station is to conserve the environment and biodiversity in the Galapagos Archipelago, by providing knowledge and assistance through scientific research and complementary actions.

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